Room 6’s Lenten Calendar
Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving for Lent
1 - Give up Wifi for the day
2 - Pray for the sick people
3 - Spend more time with your pets & family to show them that you still care about them.
4 - Don’t fight with your family today
5 - Pray for someone else’s needs
6 - Not watch my favourite programme today
7-Cook tea tonight and wash the dishes
8 - Say compliments to other people
9 - say a decade of the rosary for the week.
10- giving up on instagram for one week or more.
11-pray for the teachers to give them energy to teach children that are learning.
12 - Give up an app on your phone for a day
13 - No takeaways
14 - No junk food on Friday
15 - No technology
16 - No internet
17-pray for people all over the world
18 - Donate a food item to St Vincent De Paul
19 - pray before bedtime and do ten minutes of meditation
20 - give up takeaway
21- No video games
22 - Give a smile to someone
23-pray for other
24 - giving up on lollies and fizzy
25 - Help your neighbour e.g. gardening
26 -No technology for a day
27 - No chocolate today
28 - help an elderly cross the ro ad.
29-make something for the prayer table to please God
30 - Pray three our fathers for the home
32 let someone join in you're game.
33- use the C.E.R.R. values.
34 - Give up snapchat
35- help three people today
36-Give up ps3
no xb
39-spending money
40-pray for others
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