
Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Japan Facts - Maddison

Japan facts
  1. Japan suffers over 1500 earthquakes per year.
  2. Japan has more than 50000 people that are over 100 years  old.
  3. Japan has just too gun related homicides per ye year
  4. Japan consists of over 6800 Islands.
  5.   square watermelons are grown  by Japanese Farmers for easy stack and store.
  6. In japan there are more pets than children
  7. japan's birth rate is so low that adult diapers are sold more than baby diapers.
  8. in korea and japan there is a cat cafe where u can drink coffee and hang out with cats
  9. sleeping  on the job is acceptable in japan as it is viewed as exhaustion from working hard.


  1. Maddison did you know that japan is the same size as new zealand but japan has more people than new zealand. And I love your facts:)

  2. Hi Madison
    Love these japan facts, i can see you have put a lot of time into this. Cheak out my blog

  3. hi Maddison
    i love your facts! i lent lots things about japan that i didn't know :)

  4. Hello Maddison,
    I enjoyed reading these facts because they were entertaining, but also I learn't heaps about Japan! Have you ever been to Japan? Remember to visit my blog at

  5. These are really facts! I didn't ever know Japan had things like that!

  6. Hi I like your japan fact's they are very good.


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