
Monday, 21 March 2016

Ballad poem

Not The Same
I woke up quick at about noon,
Only because I had to be somewhere soon,
Dad got me to hurry up to clean
Dad had us cleaning
Even when we were meant to be leaving

Half way through the game
When we pretty much came
Siblings were told to play
They left to play
Play play
They were only told to get away

Game ended a while later
Though my time could've been greater
But I love the younger one
They're quite easy to look after
and now the day is done

Another day came
But it wasn't the same
Because mum was in Samoa
I was left with Boys ONLY
I'm alone,alone,alone
I was left with nothing more

We were in the garage with the PS3
I had a little feeling of Happy
Only because the next day mum was returning
For the day we just gamed
The day was so HOT and burning


  1. To Regina: I like the way you write your poem and I like the way you get straight into it. How long did it take you to write it?

  2. Hi Regina I really like the way you made a poem about what you where doing and what happened but two questions.
    Where are you and how did you get there?


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