We are a group of Year 7 and 8 students at St Bernadette's School in Christchurch. This is a place where we will be able to share our learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
5 Facts about the main religion in Jamaica - Selina
5 Facts about the main religion in Jamaica
FACT 1. Rastafarianism is not a religion there are many that think Rastafari is a religion in the same way as Christianity,Judasim,Hindusim,islam,etc but Rasarfari is not actually a religion but more a way of life. This is more understood when you understand that many Rastas do not grow up in Rasta families, or do not have Rastafari parents. We also do not practice any strict prayer times, or days of worship.
FACT 2.Rastafari stems from Christianity: Rastafari comes from a strong belief in Christianity. In fact most Rastafarians of Jamaica, were Christians before accepting themselves as, and embracing themselves as, "Rasta"
FACT 3.Rastafarians are vegetarian: Rastas believe eating meat is eating "flesh", and that just can't be a good thing. Many of us prefer to stick to the same diet of Jesus Christ. Fish, Bread, Vegetables, Honey and Milk….Check out The Bible to learn more.
FACT 4.Many Rastafarian Women Cover their hair in public: Many Rastafarian women cover their hair in public. There is a passage in the bible (Corinthians 11: verse 9) which reads "She should cover her head"…"The woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head…" which many women of Rastafari adhere to.
FACT 5.Many Rastafarians believe Haile Selassie is Jesus Christ: Many Rastas believe Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, (crowned king of Ethiopia in 1930) Was the second coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.Did you know Emperor Haile Selassie was known to have touched and petted Lions without getting mauled? That is pretty spectacular! I was told they were his personal pets, but I still think it's amazing.
Spanish Greetings - Chantal
Spanish greetings
-Buenos dias / / Good morning
-Buenas tardes / / Good afternoon
-?Como esta / / How are you
-Bienvenidos / / Welcome
-?Cómo te llamas?. / / What's your name?
-?Que hubo?. / / What happened
-Mi casa es su casa / / My house is your house
-?Que tal? / / How's it going?
-I have always wanted to go to Mexico and learn Spanish
- i would love to try there food and attempt to cook it
-Ive never been in Mexico so i'll discover and try a lot of new things
-If i lived in mexico i could learn more about their culture and their type of music
-I would love to take photos and go for a walk at night with my friends
monday 19th october bullfighting
At each event, called a corrida, six bulls are fought by three matadors. Each matador fights two bulls for approximately twenty minutes. The most experienced matador will fight the third and the last bull and the least experienced will fight the first and fourth bull.The matador will have the help of five assistants, usually three banderilleros and two picadores.
The assistants are usually not dressed as colorfully as the matador.
The spectacle starts with a trumpet blast which commences the paseo, or march, of the bullfighters. The second blast precedes the entrance of the bull.
The first person to approach the bull is the chief assistant, who will test the bull's mood, speed, power and agility. The matador is watching carefully to see how the bull reacts.
The third trumpet signals the arrival of the picadores, on horseback, who carry long pikes with a steel tip which is prevented from penetrating the bull more than four inches by a metal guard.The purpose of this is to weaken the massive tossing muscle between the shoulder blades of the bull. The bull is reduced to carrying his head low at this point.
The crowd determines whether the bull is brave or a coward by the bull's reaction to the pike. The brave bull will disregard the pain and charge even harder, while the cowardly bull is reluctant to charge again and is roundly booed by the crowd.
The bullring president determines how many picks the bull will receive, usually two or three. The picks are separated by periods of the bull's being lured away by the banderilleros.
After the fourth trumpet the banderilleros will try to place their banderillas in the bull's withers (the ridge between the bull's shoulder blades). This will further weaken the bull so that the matador can work more closely with the bull.
Up to four pairs of the banderillas (wooden sticks decorated with colored paper) will be placed in the bull.
The fifth trumpet commences the faena, where the matador makes a series of passes with the muleta, a piece of thick red cloth draped over a short stick. First the matado removes his black winged hat and dedicates the death of the bull to bullring president to the crowd. The muleta can be held in either the left hand or draped over the espada, the killing sword, which is always held in the right hand.
The pass is called the natural in which the muleta is first held in front of the matador to site the bull and is then swung across and away from the matador's body, taking the bull with it.
The matador will continue to perform a number of different passes varying in skill and showmanship until he has complete control over the charging bull.
The next step is to kill the bull. Standing some ten feet from the bull, the matador keeps the bull fixated on the muleta held low in his left hand and aims the espada between the shoulder blades. If the sword goes all the way in, the bull will drop immediately to his knees, dying.
If the bull fails to die the matador may take the descabello, a sword with a short cross piece at the end, and stab it into the bull's neck severing the spinal cord. The bullfight has come to an end.The president now awards trophies to the matador, depending on his bravery and skill.
The president now awards trophies to the matador, depending on his bravery and skill.
The trophy may be one or two ears, the tail and the hoof. The crowd will wave white handkerchiefs to encourage the president to award the trophies, continuing after the award in an attempt to get the matador to throw his trophies into the crowd. The crowd returns the honor by throwing flowers into the ring.
High Ropes course - Mackenzie
High Ropes course
The high ropes course helped with our teamwork by making us trust the people in our teams get you up safely and let us down slowly. It also helped our teamwork by working together to pull someone up,particularly if that person was scared of heights.It also helped with our fear of hights if we had one by making us pull our own ropes to release us on the swing.
My favourite activity was the huge giant's ladder because it was very challenging and you had to think about a good strategy to make it to the top.When you finally got to the top it felt like I was on top of the world, but it was also a great feeling when your feet hit the ground and you could carry your own weight.One thing that could have been improved was our listening because sometimes we got a little off task.
madagascar brochure- Sailosi
madagascar brochure
*Madagascar has one of the most amazing landscapes like the Ranomafana forest , The erotic sights of Cape Sainte Marie and the bodybuilders of the trees " The Baobabs"
*Madagascar split 250 million years ago from what was the biggest landmass on earth they split away with Africa-Antarctica-India-South America and made their own countries and continent.
* Madagascar is one of the most largest islands in the world, infact it is the 4th most largest island in the world
* Madagascar is known for its biodiversity hotspot, over 90% of its animals are not found anywhere else in the world, but unfortunately it's slowly decreasing by the hour because
deforesting is getting popular because of the rare and good timber that is brought world wide.
H I G H R O P E S - Bea
H I G H R O P E S //
The High Ropes Course was a well needed trip for room 6 and i'm glad that i saw teamwork going into keeping the individual safe on the giant's ladder and swing, plus the co-operation and determination in the leadership games that Nicole and Jackie set out for us. It was amazing to gain the leadership skills we lost last term in short amount of time and mingle with the people who we usually don't talk to.
My favourite activity was the giant swing where everyone had to help and pull the person who was in the ladder, go up as high as the clouds in the sky. It required a lot of trust for the people who had to pull and pull their weight. It also required a lot of courage for the person up in the sky to pull the rope so they can dangle and swing. It was my favourite because when you're up there swinging on the rope, you get to feel the wind rushing and the world beneath your feet, it reminds you how small you are compared to the world and the galaxy.
One thing we could improve on was our ability to give the everything our best shot.
Labour weekend - Alex
Labour weekend
On monday i was playing mw3 at my house when my cousin came over. They gave me a late birthday present because they live in timaru so they only come in the weekends or holidays.
They watched play and i gave the a turn on mw3 .After a while we got bored we went outside and played handball most of the time i won but once or twice.It was tea time we had pizza
It was fun having them around and i got good chocolate i hope they come around again
TAHITI - Regina
President: Edouard Fritch (2015)
National Holiday: Bastille Day, July 14
The ethnic groups of tahiti are Polynesian , Chinese , local French, metropolitan French
French (official) 61.1%, Polynesian (official) 31.4%, Asian languages 1.2%, other 0.3%, unspecified 6%
(July 2014 est.):280,026 (growth rate: 0.97%); birth rate: 15.47/1000; infant mortality rate: 4.78/1000; life expectancy: 76.79 density per sq mi: 197
National Anthem of
The French Polynesia
Tahitian Lyrics
Ia Ora 'O Tahiti Nui
'Ua rahu te atua (i) to'u 'ai'a
Hono no'ano'a o te motu rau
Heihei i te pua ri'i au é
E firi nape morohi 'ore
'O ta'u ia e fa'ateniteni nei
Te Tuoro nei te reo here
O te hui'a
'A hi'i to aroha
'Ia ora o Tahiti Nui é x2
a greeting and some phrases
hello=ia orana(yo-rah-nah)
i live in christchurch=I Christchurch vau e faeia ai (ee Christchurch vaa oo ay fah ay ee ah ah ee)
where are you from=nohea mai oe(noh hay ah my oh ay)
take it easy=haere maru(ha ay ray mah roo)
yes=e (ay)
no=aita (eye tah)
I LOVE YOU=Ua here vau ia oe(oo ah hay ray ee ah oh ay)
MERRY CHRISTMAS= ia orana no te noere(yo rah nah noh tay noh ay ray)
Andorra - Keithleen
Ethnic Groups
The Andorrans are ethnically Catalans but are outnumbered in their own country by Spanish,French and Portuguese.These residents make up 67.7% of the population.
The Language
Their language is Catalan it's the only official language the people use in Andorra.The foreign languages Spanish,French and Portuguese can be used but not as often.
The population currently is 79,343 people but 389 died this year.
The sun shined through the beautiful landscape of ireland,
the trees showing off their bright GReen ,one of ireland's brand.
THe mountains looking at their Reflection
on the spectacular lake mirror,
making sure that This day will have no Error.
"it was a perfect day to have a swim "said the fish.
she swam and swam and swam until she reached the end.
A recount about my long weekend. - Sofia.
A recount about my long weekend.
On Saturday I spent most of the morning cleaning up my room, however halfway through cleaning my room, Selinna, my sister, wanted to go the mall. Or so she told us. We got ready, went outside, got in the car and Mum reversed the car. Then we saw the garage opening and my sister's car was in there. She said "Ya coming." and Me and Celia both raced over to her car and she told us it was a 2 door toyota levin. It turns out that we weren't going the mall, instead we were going to sort out the insurance for the car. That took like 2 hours so I had a little sleep in the car.It was only a small car but somehow I managed to get comfortable and have a sleep. When they came back we woke up then they told us that we needed to go the mall, to the post shop, so Selinna could sort out her driver's licence. After that we went to go get a frozen coke from BK. We actually wanted a frozen sour blueberry but they didn't have it for some reason. We went home and I finished cleaning my room, when there was a knock on the door. It was my brother, Liam, who came to take Selinna for a drive. When they came back We had more fun. Liam was smashing his old laptop that didn't work anymore and then Selinna sat down with me and we made a facebook account. After that Liam went, we had tea and then we settled for bed.
The next day, Sunday it was the most exciting day. I had a little sleep in, but then I got up and made some pancakes. We also had bacon. So for my pancake I had: a pancake with bacon lying on top then drizzled with maple syrup and butter. After that I went and got ready but I just stayed home on my laptop, watching youtubers and going on messenger and facebook. So I just spent about 3 hours doing that. Then my mum called me out to do some chores before my friends arrived. So I just had to do the vacuuming and unload the dishwasher. It was nearly time, nearly 1:00. The first friends to arrive were Leilani and Selina. I was so happy that they came! The next friend was Michaela and then the last friend to arrive was Nelly. We all gathered together in my room and then I opened my presents. First present was Selina's. She handed me her present and said to me "I got you some smellies, cause you stink." Then we all laughed. But then she was like, "no just kidding" and gave me a hug. Next I opened Michaela's present. Her present was the best! A nice polar fleece blanket to cuddle up in and a "FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS" pillow. Typical Leilani, just bought me a box of chocolates that I ate all in that day, but of course I shared them. So after I opened all my presents, we just hang around, talking, on social media and just got some drinks and that. Then it was time to go! But I had to get changed because I wasn't going to play paintball wearing shorts. Any way, I did that and then we all went outside. I said to my friends that we should go in Liam's car, but Leilani and Nelly went with Celia. The car ride wasn't that fun cause when we got to the big hill, we told Liam to speed up but of course he had to break at the last. We ended up jumping any way. When we got to paintball, we were the first ones there, well us and Letetia's whole gang. Eventually, everyone turned up then we walked to the entrance and we got to choose teams. Me and Mum were captains and Mum was the green team and we were the blue camo team. I tried to choose all the good shooters but Mum stole some of them. Anyway, in my team was: Captain Sofia, Leilani, Michaela, Selina, Nelly, Brett, Kurtis and Liam. Anyway we got all dressed up with our protective gear and then we were able to go play 'The Ultimate Game: Paintball.' The aim of the first game was to try get the whistle from the opposing team's fort. A bit like capture the flag. So our plan of attack was that Me and Leilani, then Brett, Kurtis and Liam would go up and attack + try get the whistle. While Selina, Nelly, and Michaela stayed back and guarded the fort. Me and Leilani stayed together and Leilani shot quite a few people. When we got shot we had this little gather fort where we had to mark out where we got shot and what team we were on. Anyway I had to go there because I got shot in the face, but of course we had big masks on. Me, Michaela and Kurtis tried to get up to the other teams shelter before they got to ours. So we went up to there and they were all out of paintballs so it made it easier for us to get to there whistle. It turns out Liam was looking for there whistle but he didn't see it, well he should have seen it but uh-huh he didn't see it. So Kurtis got to the whistle before I did and blew it but he didn't blow it that loud cause people were still shooting. After everyone was settled we went back to the paintball
main entrance where we had a break while the paintball team was prepping for our second game. When the team was ready, we found our paintball guns and waited a little bit longer because people were using our field. After waiting about two minutes, the field was clear and we were allowed to settle in and sort out our 'plans of attack.' We were in the same teams and it was the same style as capture the flag but once we got shot we had to go back and touch our hut and wait five seconds before we could go back into the game. We started playing our second game of paintball and this was a real. I loved the second game as I got more involved and shot half a dozen times. I got shot by my friends, and family, but it was worth it. Our second game took about an hour to play our second game. When the excitement was all over we headed back to my place, and Me, Michaela and Selina drove back in Liam's car and it was so fun. We had the windows down and the music on full blast. Selina was hanging out the window then Liam was just randomly tooting along to the music. Then it came to the big hill in the road and we were yelling at Liam to speed up and he did. We went over the bump and we jumped up and we all lifted off the car seats. Hah it was so fun we couldn't stop laughing, but then when we went over the bump, Michaela let out a little scream and we all could not stop laughing. Heehee, when we got back to the house we went inside and just kinda chilled out and calmed down, afterwards we all went to the park. Of course Celia came so that turned the fun down abit. Well, it turned out that Celia went home about ten minutes after we arrived because she was to cold. Anyway, me and my friends had real cool fun. We had turns on one of those spinny things where you get all dizzy and your tummy starts to turn. Yeah well, all of us had a turn and Michaela got spun so much that when she got up she fell straight back on the ground. And then when it was my turn, I got spun really fast and then Selina started pulling my hair. Now when it was Selina's turn I had to yank her hair to get her back. After all the fun was over we decided to head back home. When we got to outside the house Selina pushed Michaela and then Michaela set off Liam's car alarm. It was funny. We all started laughing. Then when we got inside we had a little chill down on social media. I went into the lounge to kinda see how
everyone was going then I saw that Dean - my adopted dad, sort of - was here. I gave him a little hug and Said thanks for coming and all that. Then he pointed over to my present and I took my present into my room and looked inside the bag. I could see that Dean had bought me a curling iron. It was a three barrel, two attachments, total curl wand. After I opened my present that's when dinner was ready. We all went into the kitchen and served our dinner. Me and my friends all sat outside to eat our dinner. We had a fun time, laughing and giggling. When we had finished our tea, we went back into my room and Selina wanted to curl my hair. We ended up using the double barrel curler so I would get a nice S shaped curl. Half way through curling my hair, we discovered that Leilani had to go. Selina was supposed to go with Lani but we said we could drop her off when we took Nelly home. Anyway, when Lani went it was just Me, Selina, Michaela and Nelly. Nelly and Michaela were playing around with my Nerf Secret Shot Bow and Arrow, so then I pulled out my real Bow and Arrow, and they tried to start playing with it, shooting the Arrows at the bed. After Selina finished curling my hair, we got called into the kitchen. I got three birthday cakes. They were actually cheesecakes. Three different cakes meant three different flavours. Strawberry, Chocolate and vanilla flavoured cheesecakes. Me and my friends also went outside again and ate our cakes but I decided it was too cold so I went back into my room. My friends followed me, but afterwards we just hung around on our devices, playing with the Bow and Arrow and of course who could forget Siri! dear old Siri, we had good times with her. We all decided to go to the park again but it turns out we took a slight detour. We went to the little stream down the road, but then we had to go back home cause we were only allowed an hour. When we got home it was time to take Selina and Nelly home. We took Nelly home first as she lived closer. We drove round to Selina's house next, and Me and Michaela got out of the car to say a big good-bye and thanks for coming. We drove back home because Michaela was staying the night. The next day, Monday we woke up to a cooked breakfast with Bacon, Hashbrown and Egg. Afterwards we got dressed, got ready but we ended up just staying home watching movies. We got hungry so we made our selves a salad salad sandwich then went in the lounge because we saw that the Princess Diaries was on so we watched that. But then Michaela had to go home. Oh… sad. We took her home but then mucked around a bit laughing and playing round. It was eventually time to say good-bye. We went the warehouse after we dropped Michaela off. I ended up buying some hairspray and heat protectant plus a bamboo brush and a couple of combs. We came home, had dinner then I sorted out my Hair things and it was time for bed.
that was my weekend over. I had a jolly jam packed weekend!
Romania.- Alundra
main ethnic groups
languages spoken
In Romania there are several spoken languages. Beside Romanian, the only official language nationwide, other spoken languages include Hungarian,Bulgarian Serbo-Croatian-,Russian,Slovak,Romani,Ukrainian, and German
population 19.96 million
information web on Romania
Romania's population lives in 320 cities and towns and 12,956 villages.
Capital: Bucharest (București)
How to play football:
Football (Soccer) is one of the oldest sports in the world and with that; it's also one of the most recognised.
The aim of football is to score more goals than your opponent in a 90 minute playing time frame. The match is split up into two halves of 45 minutes. After the first 45 minutes players will take a 15 minute rest called half time. The second 45 minutes will resume and any time deemed fit to be added on by the referee (injury time) will be accordingly.
In football the only person who can use their hands is the goalkeeper who guards the goal from their opponents.
8 Basic greetings in Romania
english Romanian
Thank you
Good morning
Bună dimineaţa
My name is:
Mă numesc...
I don't like...
Nu îmi place
I like ...
Îmi place
I'm hungry
Mi-e foame
I'm thirsty
Mi-e sete
However, Romania is the most religious country
81.04% of the country's stable population identified as Eastern Orthodox in the 2011 census.
Welcome to Spain - Kevin
Welcome to Spain
Spain has a lot to offer, from the cool stuff to the straight up weird but u can decide what you want to do in the crazy little world of Spain!
Sports of Spain : In spain sportswise they have a lot to offer from Football to bull riding and bull fighting to keep you entertained, oh and by the way if you were thinking of going to one of these sports you can find them you can go to madrid (the capital of spain) or somewhere in barcelona to find them.
Tourist attractions of spain:
There are a lot of tourist attractions of spain so many that i'm only going to name the wonderful places of spain.
Mallorca is one of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, known for its beach resorts and sheltered coves, limestone mountains and Roman and Moorish remains.
Spanish Cuisine: Spain is one of the best places for Wine From types ranging from pinot noir to sherry and almost all of it coming from the Iberian peninsula. Now the food, Spain's dishes are coming from the largests parts of the world… the sea, yes Spain has a lot and i mean A lot of Seafood dishes
Now the 4th and final Thing you might like to see from spain is the people the people of spain make spain what it is today and it is great the culture communities it all just fits in together and i recon it would be a great place to stay
and this is my guide on what and where to go in spain
hope you enjoyed :D
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